
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fat Diminisher System – Does it really work? Read My Real Experience about Fat Diminisher!

Fat Diminisher is a comprehensive and remarkable program which can help you with the most powerful methods on how to lose weight, and look more appealing. This comprehensive program allows folks to learn list of items they should avoid and they should take to support their weight loss plan.

What is Fat Diminisher System?
Fat diminisher System can be considered as an awesome ebook which is available for sales in online stores which covers the description of the various methods which can be helpful for losing weight in much natural way. This ebook comes with a program that is quite simple which actually narrates the steps that are easy to follow so that you can lose weight in much faster way. You can choose the various routines on the convenience that you have. There is nothing like this program makes you stick to a routine that cannot be possible by you. It is the program which is created by the writer who is known as Wesley Virgin who actually promotes all the easier ways available for burning calories, staying in shape and also following the exercise schedule that is best for you while you are making the best moves that are possible.
Fat diminisher System actually do not deal with any kinds of conventional supplements or the weight loss program of shorter term as t can describe the basic principles related with the losing of weight and also can help you in staying thin. It is not possible for anybody to achieve the kind of health status that you want if you are not caring about the exercise schedules, food types, daily routines etc. This is the ebook which can provide much better and detailed form of explanation that actually gives you with the best way for becoming slim and also in staying healthy. As you are not doing anything like using the conventional supplement there is no need for you to worry much about the kind of the side effects the program can have on you.
Who Is This Program Designed For You?
Wesley Virgin, a soldier, researcher and nutritionist, also a formal sufferer of health complications including obesity, diabetes, and hyper-cholesterol. The author was struggling with health issues despite his active lifestyle and follower of popular low-carbohydrate diets, until he finally discovered the underlying reason behind it in collaboration with medical researchers.
The researchers believe that the key to fat loss is not merely depending on strict diet or calorie counting, but rather the complete integration Nutrition, Exercise, Hormonal Balance and Metabolism Efficiency. They further explained on the general misconception on the mainstream fat loss advice, traditional diet plans as well as popular exercise that work against human nature.
Wesley's dieting approach is based on the concept that metabolic acidosis and body metabolism rate is responsible for both fat storage and fat burning cycle in the body. According to him, this guide includes the discovery which reveals why people fail to lose fat even when trying their best to follow intense workout, calorie restriction and various diets that are supposed to be effective.
The program comes with simple, easy-to-follow, week-by-week guide with meals, exercises and stress management tools that help towards a healthy and lean body.

How it Works?
This simple program was created for both men and women who are seeking to lose weight in an easy natural way that does not require any “miracle pills” The focus of the system is to teach people how to lose their weight naturally and keep it off by making a few easy changes to your eating habits. You will be shown tips that will revolutionize the way that you interact with your food and ensure that your relationship with calories becomes much more stable. Wesley will talk about simple tricks such as:

1.    Needing to eat more slowly to ensure that you are not overeating and to make sure that you are actually eating what you want to be. Frequently we are eating on the run and it is difficult to focus on our food, causing us to overeat as it takes twenty minutes for the massage to get to your brain that you are full. Taking half an hour to eat your meal will greatly your ability to stop eating when you are satiated.

2.    Making sure that you eat the right sort of carbohydrates is also important to ensuring that you lose weight and keep the weight off. While many diet plans attempt to remove all carbs from your diet, The Fat Diminisher System stresses the need to incorporate the right healthy carbs to fill you up without introducing unnecessary calories into your system. Marking sure that you eat enough carbohydrates will also help your body to keep a balanced blood sugar level.

3.    By drinking water frequently, you will be able to flush toxins from your body more easily while making sure that you are not eating food when you are actually dehydrated. Many people assume that their thirst signal is actually a hunger signal and eat instead of drinking water, so ensuring that you drinking at least six glasses of water daily will help you to stay balanced. This will have the added benefit of helping you to lose weight and maintain that weight loss.

4.    Wesley Virgin will also provide you with tips about sort of foods you should avoid ensuring that you are able to lose weight easily. While there are many helpful carbs that you should be sure to include in your diet, there are just as many that are not helpful and should be kept off your plate completely such as potatoes and white flour products. These foods are incredibly high in starches and will only make you feel full for a short amount of time, forcing you to seek more food within an hour or so. Making sure that you are eating healthy foods has been a cornerstone for diets for years for a reason, and you should continue this trend. If it sounds as though this program is a complete lifestyle change, then you are paying attention. This system will not offer you any sort of miracle but will help you to incorporate healthy changes into your life that will have lasting effects.

What is included in the program?

This comprehensive program will offer you:
·         An easy follow technique that will show you how to quickly lose five pounds in your first week of using this system.
·         A detailed guide on how to boost your metabolism up to thirty percent for efficient fat burning.
·         A list of fruits and vegetables that you should avoid to ensure that you do not put the pounds back on.
·         A list of healthy snacks that you should include in your diet to stay full without eating unhealthy calories.
·         Herbs and minerals that you should be using to content the aging effects of free radicals and help your body to detox from toxins.
·         A recipe guide for healthy smoothies that will help to neutralize the free radicals that your body accumulates during the day.
·         Two free eBooks, one about the “The Truth about Veggies: The Veggies that Make you Fat” and “Most Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants”

Pros of the Fat Diminisher

Help You Get Rid Of The Extra Weight For Good:
Aside from offering all-natural solutions for losing weight, we believe the biggest advantage of the Fat Diminisher System is that it was designed to help users keep off the weight as long as they want. It doesn’t just focus on nutrition, lifestyle and diet but it also focuses on changing people’s way of thinking in order to really improve their chances for a long-term success.

Gives Back Your Self-Confidence:
Are you tired of being called being pudgy, fatso or whatever hurtful names? Hate what you see in the mirror every single day because of those ugly excess fats?
While there’s no overnight solution for losing weight, there are effective and natural ways that can absolutely help. The Fat Diminisher System has been designed to be an effective rapid fat loss program that will help you get the physique you’ve always wanted and according to various testimonials we have found online it seems that this system does work for most of the people who try it and produce pretty impressive results within the first month.

Relatives Affordable Price:
So, how much have you spent on useless workout programs, crazy diets and expensive trainers and nutritionists? Fortunately, the Fat Diminisher System is currently at a discounted price, which is very reasonable and affordable compared to other rapid loss program available online.

Sixty Days Money Back Guarantee:
Wesley Virgin believes that his program will work for most people who try it and he’s willing to give back every cent you spent on the Fat Diminisher System if you believe that his program proves to be a complete waste of your time and effort. This guarantee allows you to test program for up to eight weeks, which is more than enough time to see for yourself if really helps you or not…

Cons of the Fat Diminisher

A  Bit Difficult To Understand:
There’s a ton of information to go through so there’s possibility you’ll feel overwhelmed. In addition, from our research on the web it seems that some people also found the main guide and to make sure that you understand everything perfectly before you start following the program.

Lifestyle Modifications:
As you probably know, losing weight requires some form of sacrifice. In this case the Fat Diminisher System will require you to make some diet and lifestyle modifications. If you’re not willing to do these modifications for the sake of good health and fat loss, then you may want to skip this one.

Only Digital Format:
The Fat Diminisher System is available in PDF Format only and you can’t buy it in a hard cover edition. If you prefer leafing through an actual book, then you will need to compromise and to print a copy of the different guides that are offered in the system by your own….

Conclusion of the Fat Diminisher
The Fat Diminisher system is designed for those who are ready to take control of their lives and make a positive and lasting change. If you seeking an option that will help you reveal that body that you have always wanted without severely restricting your calories then this is the right option for you.

Find the best foods for your body as well as the ones that you need avoid so that you can change your life with ease without having to forgo the food that make you the happiest. Wesley Virgins Fat Diminisher system will revolutionize your life, but you have to be ready for the change.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What is Fat Diminisher System?

Fat Diminisher is an online eBook that promises to help you lose weight and achieve the body of your dreams – just like most other weight loss guides.
The difference between Fat Diminisher and other weight loss systems is something called “The Fat Diminisher System”. That system isn’t a short-term plan or a weeklong cleanses: it’s a series of principles you can use to achieve long-term, permanent results.

In other words, Fat Diminisher promises to be “not like the other diets” because it’s not a flash-in-the-pan technique. It teaches you how to fundamentally change your diet and exercise habits to become a healthier individual for the rest of your life. 

Who Is This Program Designed For You?

Wesley Virgin, a soldier, researcher and nutritionist, also a formal sufferer of health complications including obesity, diabetes, and hyper-cholesterol. The author was struggling with health issues despite his active lifestyle and follower of popular low-carbohydrate diets, until he finally discovered the underlying reason behind it in collaboration with medical researchers.

The researchers believe that the key to fat loss is not merely depending on strict diet or calorie counting, but rather the complete integration Nutrition, Exercise, Hormonal Balance and Metabolism Efficiency. They further explained on the general misconception on the mainstream fat loss advice, traditional diet plans as well as popular exercise that work against human nature.

Wesley's dieting approach is based on the concept that metabolic acidosis and body metabolism rate is responsible for both fat storage and fat burning cycle in the body. According to him, this guide includes the discovery which reveals why people fail to lose fat even when trying their best to follow intense workout, calorie restriction and various diets that are supposed to be effective.

The program comes with simple, easy-to-follow, week-by-week guide with meals, exercises and stress management tools that help towards a healthy and lean body.

How it Works

This simple program was created for both men and women who are seeking to lose weight in an easy natural way that does not require any “miracle pills” The focus of the system is to teach people how to lose their weight naturally and keep it off by making a few easy changes to your eating habits. You will be shown tips that will revolutionize the way that you interact with your food and ensure that your relationship with calories becomes much more stable. Wesley will talk about simple tricks such as:

1.    Needing to eat more slowly to ensure that you are not overeating and to make sure that you are actually eating what you want to be. Frequently we are eating on the run and it is difficult to focus on our food, causing us to overeat as it takes twenty minutes for the massage to get to your brain that you are full. Taking half an hour to eat your meal will greatly your ability to stop eating when you are satiated.

2.    Making sure that you eat the right sort of carbohydrates is also important to ensuring that you lose weight and keep the weight off. While many diet plans attempt to remove all carbs from your diet, The Fat Diminisher System stresses the need to incorporate the right healthy carbs to fill you up without introducing unnecessary calories into your system. Marking sure that you eat enough carbohydrates will also help your body to keep a balanced blood sugar level.

3.    By drinking water frequently, you will be able to flush toxins from your body more easily while making sure that you are not eating food when you are actually dehydrated. Many people assume that their thirst signal is actually a hunger signal and eat instead of drinking water, so ensuring that you drinking at least six glasses of water daily will help you to stay balanced. This will have the added benefit of helping you to lose weight and maintain that weight loss.

4.    Wesley Virgin will also provide you with tips about sort of foods you should avoid ensuring that you are able to lose weight easily. While there are many helpful carbs that you should be sure to include in your diet, there are just as many that are not helpful and should be kept off your plate completely such as potatoes and white flour products. These foods are incredibly high in starches and will only make you feel full for a short amount of time, forcing you to seek more food within an hour or so. Making sure that you are eating healthy foods has been a cornerstone for diets for years for a reason, and you should continue this trend. If it sounds as though this program is a complete lifestyle change, then you are paying attention. This system will not offer you any sort of miracle but will help you to incorporate healthy changes into your life that will have lasting effects. 

What is included in the program?

This comprehensive program will offer you:
·         An easy follow technique that will show you how to quickly lose five pounds in your first week of using this system.

·         A detailed guide on how to boost your metabolism up to thirty percent for efficient fat burning.

·         A list of fruits and vegetables that you should avoid to ensure that you do not put the pounds back on.

·         A list of healthy snacks that you should include in your diet to stay full without eating unhealthy calories.

·         Herbs and minerals that you should be using to content the aging effects of free radicals and help your body to detox from toxins.

·         A recipe guide for healthy smoothies that will help to neutralize the free radicals that your body accumulates during the day.

·         Two free eBooks, one about the “The Truth about Veggies: The Veggies that Make you Fat” and “Most Powerful Sex Foods and Stimulants”

Pros of the Fat Diminisher

  1. Provides a full lifestyle change that will help you to lose the weight and keep it off forever.
  2. You will not be forced to starve or severely restrict your calorie content.
  3. Everything within this system is healthy and easy and easy to follow.
  4. There is a full refund policy if you do not like the result. 

Cons of the Fat Diminisher

Only available as an eBook that you download to an eReader (PC, iPad, Samsung, Kindle) and need to print to get a hardcopy.

If you are not ready to change your lifestyle, this system will not work for you. 

Conclusion of the Fat Diminisher

The Fat Diminisher system is designed for those who are ready to take control of their lives and make a positive and lasting change. If you seeking an option that will help you reveal that body that you have always wanted without severely restricting your calories then this is the right option for you.
Find the best foods for your body as well as the ones that you need avoid so that you can change your life with ease without having to forgo the food that make you the happiest. Wesley Virgins Fat Diminisher system will revolutionize your life, but you have to be ready for the change.

The truth about Acid and Alkaline Foods to Get Weight Loss

Acid and alkaline foods are often related to healthy weight loss goals. The foods can helps to maintain your weight without omitting the healthiness necessity.
Some folks have been really successful in conducting acid and alkaline foods and reach their weight loss goal. However, not all acidic foods are good for health. In some cases, people can experience some side effects like heart problem, extreme fatigue, joints problem, memory loss, constipation, and respiratory issues. Folks who are used to eating out or eat fast foods which are highly acidic impose the risks to get those side effects. And most of them can’t reach significant result of their weight loss.

It is important to balance your alkaline foods and your diet. The balanced alkaline intake can do wonder on your overall health as well as weight loss achievement. To differ the acidic and alkaline foods can be a bit difficult if this is your first time to recognize them. You may want to download the acidic and alkaline charts from the internet to dig deeper.

At first probably it is a bit hard to understand the alkaline balanced diet and weight loss. But you can start the easy way. You may want to limit your intake of sugar and carb so that you will be able to maintain the acid levels in your body. With this brief explanation you may wonder what is the exact method you are going to use to achieve your weight loss goals.

Researching by you can spend such enormous amount of time and effort. That’s why we are here to share you the best solution to enhance your healthy lifestyle as well as weight loss goals.

The secret formula has been exposed; it is called Fat Diminisher, authored by Wesley Virgin.

If you are looking for the best way to lose your weight faster and safer, this can be the best solution ever. It is a quality program which is purposely designed for those who want to lose weight quickly. But of course it promises the natural solution without side effect. The guides emphasize the homey methods which can be conducted by anyone regardless of their sex, ages, and status. The comprehensive guide can help you to boost the metabolism rate in your body, kill excessive fats, and provide the energy for the body. And not less importantly, this will balance your alkaline intake in the body. When we explained that it is homey-method, we meant that you will not deal with conventional weight loss solutions such as pills, dugs, or gym membership. You can do the entire program instructed right at your own house.

There are some causes that affect the body weight and increase. The overweight condition happens when there is imbalance of acid intake which is caused by overeating the carb and sugar. When you overeat, the fat will be stored in your body. When you fail to keep the fat and calories in check, you will keep gaining your weight. Unless you stop your bad eating habits, you will not go anywhere. Overweight issues are not only coming from inside, but also outside like environment causes. But no matter the source of the problem, Fat Diminisher can help you handle that.

It is such a complete guide filled with rich content which teaches you how to lose weight while maintaining your health. It is a complete guide made the true experiences of successful people who have shed some pounds of fats in their life. The guide will teach you how to reduce the weight, improve the burning, increase metabolic rate and improve the overall health of yours.

When following this program, you will be able to conduct the specific weight loss approach without any risks or side effects since you will only conduct the natural methods. The proper diet plans and home-exercise are two meats of this program. Folks not see how this program work if they don’t understand about its importance. To let you know, it is very important for you. Fat Diminisher is written based on the thorough research done by Wesley Virgin. He is now very popular in the world of weight loss. He is the weight loss specialist, motivator as well as trainer.

Routine exercise and diet are very important to maintain your healthy weight loss lifestyle. Losing excessive weight means shedding some pounds from your body and keeps balancing the energy going into your body. Then it is your responsibility to keep checking on the energy used.

Speaking about acidic and alkaline foods to get weight loss, Fat Diminisher syatem has its biggest contribution. After purchasing the guide, you will be informed with most comprehensive list of full ingredients including fruits and veggies which are important for your weight loss plan. Besides consisting of high fibers and vitamins, the list of fruits and veggies are all rich in amino acids. These are the important role of acidic foods for your weights loss. The acids will help burn the excess body fat.

If you up now don’t find the best solution yet, you can the Diminisher system. Fat Diminisher System informs you the best routine tasks you can try to maximize the results of your diets and exercises. The three times meal with such prĂ©cised recipes can be granted on daily basis. The good things are that you will follow the exercise for only 5 minutes daily. And you can do the exercise anytime, anywhere. You are not bounded with such tight gym schedule. Your job while making significant progress in your weight loss.

Speaking about acidic and alkaline foods for your weight loss, there are tons of recipes consisted in the guide. So you can try this and that without wasting your time and effort. Fat Diminisher is absolutely simple program. It can work to anyone regardless their sex, ages, and weight.

It will help t shed couple of excessive pounds from your body without mercy. The greatest thing is that you don’t have t allocate your money for expensive treatment or so since there will not be any of it. If natural and safe method is your concern, Fat Diminisher is definitely the right answer.

Why Does Fat Accumulate Around My Belly?

Call it your "muffin top," "middle-age spread," "jelly rolls" or "apron," but there's nothing harmless about belly fat. Excessive belly fat puts you at a high risk of developing chronic disease. Men with a waist larger than 37 inches and women with one larger than 31.5 inches should be concerned about the potential health consequences. Understanding why your belly expands can help you take measures to shrink it.

Dangers of Belly Fat

Increased belly fat correlates with increased risk of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Women with a lot of belly fat are more likely to develop breast cancer or need gallbladder surgery.
Subcutaneous fat, which lies just below the skin and usually is found at the hips and thighs, doesn't act metabolically like visceral fat does. The deep-lying belly fat surrounds internal organs and releases inflammatory compounds that negatively affect your system.

Hormonal Causes of Belly Fat

In men, testosterone drives the development of belly fat. Even in a man's youth, he's putting down visceral fat cells, but high levels of testosterone often keep them from expanding. As he ages and testosterone naturally decreases, these fat cells expand, and his belly grows.
In women, fat is usually concentrated in the hips, thighs and buttocks to support childbirth and breastfeeding. But as she ages and estrogen production decreases, much of that fat redistributes to the belly, forming visceral fat.

Dietary Reasons for Belly Fat

Belly fat can accumulate at any age, though, especially if you make poor dietary choices. Too many calories from anything can cause your middle to expand. Too much saturated fat, found in full-fat dairy and fatty cuts of meat, and Trans fats, found in some processed foods, can contribute to visceral fat development.
A diet heavy in refined sugar and grains often correlates with a larger waist size. A study published in a 2009 issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that people who consumed fructose-sweetened soft drinks were more likely to have visceral belly fat. Even diet soda drinkers could be at risk. A study published in a 2015 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society detected an association between consuming diet soda daily and increased abdominal girth. 
Refined grains, such as white bread and pasta, can also contribute to belly fat. A study in a 2010 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a correlation between increased refined grain intake and the development of belly fat. Choose whole grains, such as brown rice or barley, instead, to help keep your visceral fat growth at bay.

Lifestyle Encourages a Fat Belly

According to the Rush University Medical Center, a lack of physical activity encourages the buildup of belly fat. Be more active regularly, by choosing the stairs over the elevator or parking farther out in the lot, but also by consciously exercising most days. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you exercise at least 150 minutes per week at a moderate intensity. Increase that level of exercise to experience more benefits, which include reduced accumulation of belly fat and disease risk.
Getting too little or too much sleep, less than 5 hours or more than 8 hours per night, also correlates with extra belly fat. Being under too much stress, whether it's from bills or strict work deadlines causes your body to pump out more of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol has an effect on where you store your fat and, in many people; it leads to the development of visceral fat.

How to Lose Belly Fat at Home

Carrying excess weight around your waistline is more than an aesthetic issue. Subcutaneous fat, or the fat you see around your belly, covers more dangerous visceral fat, which surrounds your organs. This type of belly fat affects your cardiovascular health, puts you at risk for various diseases and slows your metabolism. While you cannot target belly fat with exercise and diet, you can gradually decrease your percentage of body fat wherever you tend to store it. Follow a flexible, healthy fitness program and food plan at home to lose belly fat.

Step 1

Swap sweets, junk food and foods high in Tran’s fat and saturated fat for fresh, unprocessed foods. Removing tempting snack foods and processed foods from your kitchen makes it easier to stick to a healthy food plan. If you cut 500 daily calories from your consumption, you'll be on track to lose 4 pounds per month.

Step 2

Snack on citrus fruit, lightly dressed salads, berries, apples, pears, vegetables, legumes and unsweetened whole grains. These foods contain high amounts of insoluble and soluble fiber, which fill you and provide key nutrients without adding excess calories, fat and sugar to your diet. They also regulate digestion so you experience less belly bloating.

Step 3

Add activity to your daily life. Haul boxes or bags one at a time up the stairs. Squat and stretch while cleaning the house. Dance during commercial breaks when you watch TV. Play hide-and-seek with your children around the house. March in place while washing dishes and talking on the telephone.

Step 4

Exercise vigorously daily. Elevate your heart rate for a prolonged period by doing aerobic workouts such as dancing to fast music, running up and down the stairs, jumping rope, doing dynamic yoga stretches, jogging on your treadmill or doing calisthenics. If you exercise vigorously 300 minutes per week, you can lose between 2 and 3 pounds of body fat per month.

Step 5

Perform muscle-building calisthenics and stretches that use your body weight as resistance. Pushups, pullups, sun salutations, squats, lunges and triceps dips add muscle tissue that replaces excess fat. This shift in your body composition raises your basal metabolism so you burn more calories even while resting.


Skip sweetened carbonated beverages, which add empty calories and contribute to belly bloat.


Follow the Centers for Disease Control's guidelines for the amount of activity a healthy adult needs. This guideline gives suggestions as to what kinds of exercise, the intensity and duration.

7 Habits That Cause Belly Fat

So, you’ve got yourself an absolutely gorgeous bikini to wear for a pool party two weeks from now. However, there’s a little bit of a problem – there’s no way of hiding your bulging belly fat in that skimpy swimsuit. Not sure how to trim down in order to do some justice to that awesome bikini waiting in your closet? Check out these seven habits that can cause belly fat – and be sure to do the opposite, so you can shape up and lose those unsightly bulges as fast as possible!
1. Drinking Carbonated Drinks Regularly
Can’t last a day without gulping down a can or two of soda? If this is you, then you’re certainly not being kind to your body. According to researchers, consuming one or two cans of soda daily causes your waistline to increase at least five times faster than those who barely drink soda in the course of a week. The concept behind this is that the high amount of sugar used in sodas triggers your craving for food, so you end up eating more than you should during mealtimes. Diet sodas aren’t any better than regular varieties since these contain artificial sweeteners, which can increase your appetite as much as sugar does. So if you have that serious craving for a satisfying drink, opt for healthy smoothies, fresh fruit juices, or a glass of water with lemon zest and mint leaves. You’re doing your body and overall health a favor by choosing a more nutritious drink that’s also low in sugar content. Since soda only causes you to add pounds without quenching your thirst, why bother drinking it, right?
2. Using a Larger Plate Each Time You Eat
Whether it’s a buffet dinner or just a regular meal at home, pay attention to the size of plate you use at mealtime. In a survey conducted among obese individuals, it was discovered that these people prefer larger plates over smaller or medium-sized ones. With a large plate size, they have more space for their food. So, how does this habit cause belly fat? Simple. When you have a larger space to pile up your food, you tend to consume more than your body needs, and that leads to more fat stored in your body. To avoid this nasty chain reaction, make it a point to use smaller plates and resist the urge to eat or go back for seconds when you’ve already had enough.
3. Dining Late at Night
While it’s true that your body naturally burns some flab as you sleep, it might not be able to efficiently do so when you go to bed on a full stomach. Aside from causing belly fat, eating late and reclining on a full stomach increases your risk of developing acid reflux and indigestion, since gravity is no longer able to pull everything in your tummy straight down. To prevent these conditions, consider eating smaller meals at night and don’t lie down for at least three hours after dinner. If possible, just snack on fruits in case you feel a bit hungry at night instead of raiding the fridge for sweet desserts to satisfy your craving.

4. Eating When Sad, Angry or Upset
Do you find yourself eating absent-mindedly when your emotions are at their peak? The next time you catch yourself doing this; try to snap out of it before you end up eating a double cheeseburger and fries. Emotional eating does nothing to make you feel better. If there’s anything you can get from this habit of eating whenever you’re upset or stressed out, it’s just hideous belly fat. The best way to combat this response to stress is by drinking a glass of water, talking to a friend, or taking a relaxing walk. Choose an activity that doesn’t involve eating, so you can stop yourself from loading up on extra calories when you’re feeling emotional.
5. Consuming Low-Fat Foods More Often
Some people assume that high-fat foods and drinks lead to more fat storage in your belly. The truth is, monounsaturated fats are not bad for you. If anything, foods such as avocados, olive oil and seeds work well in eliminating belly fat. Be wary of too many low-fat foods, since manufacturers often add sugar to these items. And you know what that means – the more sugar you have in the body, the greater your chances of storing more body fat.
6. Depriving Yourself of Sleep
Ideally, adults should get about seven to nine hours of sleep each night. When you fail to get enough sleep, your level of cortisol (stress hormone) increases and cause you to crave sugary foods. With that in mind, it’s harder to get rid of belly fat when you keep the habit of not getting enough sleep regularly. To maintain normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol, try your best to attain the recommended hours of sleep every night. This way you can balance your cortisol levels while boosting production of leptin, a type of hormone that causes you to control your appetite.
7. Not Getting Enough Protein in Your Regular Diet
Have you been depriving your body of protein-rich foods? Generally, healthy adults should consume at least 20 to 25 grams of protein in each meal, although this depends on your activity level and body size. Men in particular should get an additional 10 grams of protein with every meal to ensure excellent health. By increasing your protein intake, you can balance out your blood sugar while reducing insulin levels to promote a faster metabolic rate. What’s more, protein helps control hormones that increase your appetite, so you can slim down naturally. To power up your daily meals, consider eating high-protein foods such as ricotta cheese, shellfish, turkey, skinless chicken, salmon and eggs. These are your best options because of their low fat and high protein content – a great combination for slimming down and shaping up!

So are you ready to say hello to a flatter tummy and a more gorgeous body? Just be sure to avoid these seven bad eating habits, and you can be on your way to improving your body size and overall health.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Diet & Exercise Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Carrying extra weight around your belly is not only a concern cosmetically; it also increases the risk of many chronic diseases. This includes heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Excess weight that is carried in the midsection can place a strain on your back muscles and contribute to chronic back pain. There are diet and exercise tips that can help in the battle to lose belly fat. However, the first step is to consult with a physician before starting any new exercise or diet plan.

Exercise the Entire Body

Many programs, products and gadgets claim to target belly fat by doing a specific exercise for 10 to 15 minutes a day. However, spot reduction does not work, states the American Council on Exercise. Exercise, no matter what type it is, will lead to burning fat all over your body, not just one target area. For example, performing sit-ups may help to burn off some belly fat, but fat will also be lost in other areas of your body as well. In addition, areas that tend to gain weight first tend to be the last areas to become lean and for most, the abdominal area is the toughest spot. Instead of spending time on just one specific exercise, go for a well-rounded program that will tone and strengthen your whole body, because in the long run, it will be more effective. However, exercises for your midsection should be part of that plan, because they strengthen the abdominal muscles, which can take pressure off the back and help to improve your posture.

Do Aerobic-Type Exercises

With age, hormonal changes and a more sedentary lifestyle, fat can begin to accumulate around the midsection. For some, the tendency to carry extra weight in the belly is inherited and can occur without actual changes in weight. The danger is that fat in the midsection, unlike fat in other areas, may be producing hormones that increase your risk of many chronic diseases. suggests that the best way to control belly fat is to perform moderate-level aerobic activities. Walking, biking, dancing and swimming will all help you burn calories, which in turn will shrink the midsection. Extra weight carried anywhere in the body is the result of eating more calories than the body burns off. Just doing sit-ups without changing your caloric expenditure will not make your belly smaller. A well-designed exercise program will burn calories, reduce belly fat and reduce the risk factors for disease.

Eat Filling Foods

Starvation diets, quick fixes or programs that eliminate food groups such as carbohydrates are not the most successful when it comes to losing belly fat. Eating too much of any food will lead to weight gain, and restrictive diets can lead to feelings of deprivation. The bottom line is to balance your calorie intake with calorie output, by controlling portion sizes and eating a wide variety of foods. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber. These foods are healthy and will create feelings of fullness so that hunger does not lead to binge eating. Eating healthy foods means that more food can be eaten, because these foods contain fewer calories. Low-fat dairy products can also help your body feel full. You can occasionally have a treat or snack, just make adjustments to control calorie intake at other times, to balance out the indulgence.

Add in Strength Training

Belly fat raises the risk of disease when non-pregnant women have a waist circumference of 35 inches or greater and men have a waist circumference of 40 inches or greater. However, according to Harvard Medical School, a total body strength-training program not only helps to trim the waist, but it also plays a role in helping to avoid weight regain. Muscles need more calories than fat does, so as muscles get stronger, metabolism naturally increases. This, in turn, burns more calories, which can shrink the belly. The goal is to work all the large major muscles in the body and to avoid just targeting the abs.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat that Won't Go Away?

The belly is often the last place where fat is lost, especially in men who are prone to store fat around their midsection and in post-menopausal women. Stubborn belly fat will only reduce if you reduce your total body fat. This requires a caloric deficit that's accumulated through diet and exercise. A deficit of 500 calories a day can result in weight loss of 1 pound a week.

Cardio and Strength Training

Experts generally favor 30 to 60 minutes of moderate cardio on most days of the week and full-body strength training on at least two days per week to lose weight. By incorporating high-intensity intervals, or HIIT, into your cardio routine, you have the upper hand. According to the Journal of Obesity, HIIT is more effective in reducing belly fat than any other type of exercise. Simply incorporate short bursts of vigorous cardio into your workout, such as switching between a jog and a sprint.

Diet and Stress

Eating smaller portions and making low-calorie food choices can reduce your caloric intake and contribute to weight loss. For nutrients, turn to fiber-rich whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy, vegetables, lean protein and fruits. Limit sugar and salt, and use unsaturated fats rather than Trans and saturated fats. Also, manage stress in your life, as high stress levels trigger the release of cortisol in your body. Experts at the University of New Mexico state that this stress hormone can relocate fat to your stomach and trigger hard-to-control cravings for weight-loss-sabotaging foods.

What Causes Females to Have Excess Belly Fat?

Excess belly fat is a common problem for many women. Clinically known as visceral fat, excess belly fat increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. While poor diet and physical inactivity are contributing factors, others include hormonal changes, age, stress and hereditary factors. You can generally reduce belly fat through a combination of aerobic exercise, healthy diet and targeted strengthening abdominal exercises.


Heredity is a culprit when it comes to women and belly fat. 2012 study published in the journal "Diabetes" found that women are more sensitive than men to an enzyme triggered by Vitamin A, found in dietary fat. The enzyme induces a release of hormones that promote fat storage in women more than men. A 2010 study published in the "Journal of Obesity" pointed to hereditary factors as responsible for the development of excess belly fat in some women. Based on your genetic makeup, you may have simply inherited a predisposition for accumulating fat in your abdominal area. While you can reduce belly fat through aerobic exercise and tone your abdominal muscles with targeted strengthening exercises, you may simply be fighting nature if you have an inherited tendency for gaining fat in your belly area and you expect to develop a perfectly flat stomach.


As you age, your body's production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, otherwise known as DHEA, begins to decline. According to Harvard Women's Health Watch, some studies have linked this decline with an increase in the accumulation of abdominal fat, although other studies have shown no link at all. While the results of DHEA's effect on belly fat are still inconclusive, some health practitioners believe that supplementation of DHEA can lead to a reduction in abdominal fat. Additionally, as you age, your metabolism begins to slow down, which can be another possible age-related cause of excess belly fat.


According to a 2000 study by Elissa S. Epel, Ph.D., and fellow Yale University researchers, women who are more prone to stress yet otherwise healthy and not overweight are more likely to have excess belly fat. This study showed that certain women are more susceptible to the effects of the stress hormone cortisol, which is responsible for the accumulation of fat around your organs and the development of excessive amounts of abdominal fat.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes associated with menopause are another common culprit behind excess belly fat. According to Yale University, menopause causes a decrease in the production of the sex hormones such as estrogen, leading to the development of increased abdominal fat. Additionally, menopause leads to a shift in the location where your body stores fat, changing from being stored in your arms, legs and hips to your abdominal area.