
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Who Is This Program Designed For You?

Wesley Virgin, a soldier, researcher and nutritionist, also a formal sufferer of health complications including obesity, diabetes, and hyper-cholesterol. The author was struggling with health issues despite his active lifestyle and follower of popular low-carbohydrate diets, until he finally discovered the underlying reason behind it in collaboration with medical researchers.

The researchers believe that the key to fat loss is not merely depending on strict diet or calorie counting, but rather the complete integration Nutrition, Exercise, Hormonal Balance and Metabolism Efficiency. They further explained on the general misconception on the mainstream fat loss advice, traditional diet plans as well as popular exercise that work against human nature.

Wesley's dieting approach is based on the concept that metabolic acidosis and body metabolism rate is responsible for both fat storage and fat burning cycle in the body. According to him, this guide includes the discovery which reveals why people fail to lose fat even when trying their best to follow intense workout, calorie restriction and various diets that are supposed to be effective.

The program comes with simple, easy-to-follow, week-by-week guide with meals, exercises and stress management tools that help towards a healthy and lean body.